Ways to Grow
At Do.Slova we believe in the power of community and the importance of the Word of God as the foundation of our building relationship. Bible studies are a great way for both fellowship with other believers and for spiritual growth. Find out more about our groups and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested to join.
Bible Studies
English language Bible study
Every Thursday evening at 19h, join in fellowship and studying the Bible. No childcare will be provided.
Bible study for families with kids
Every Tuesday 17-19h. The study will be led in English. Dinner and childcare will be provided.
Men’s Group
Men’s Pub Night
The men of DoSlova gather the first Monday of each month at 19h to talk about God and life while enjoying good beer.
Women’s Group
Ladies luncheon
The women of DoSlova gather on the second Sunday of each month to share life together.
Skupinka maminek
Our Skupinka Maminek meets every Wednesday at DoSlova from 10-12h.
This group is for Moms and their young children. Join us for light drinks and snacks, a short devotional, and good fellowship. And feel free to invite a friend!
If you would like to find out more, please contact Klara Haas.
Following Jesus Together
Discipleship Mini-Groups
As a church, we are committed to following Jesus together. One way we can encourage each other to do this is by forming and meeting in mini-groups, which are groups of ideally 3 men or 3 women who commit to meet regularly to do 3 things: read scripture, discuss our lives in light of the scripture, and pray for one another. How can you find or start your own mini-group?
You can join or start a group at any time. Consider asking 2 others to try it with you for 10 weeks.
Establish a consistent meeting time and place for at least one hour.
Pick a book of the Bible to read together or ask about available materials.
Talk to Pastor Jake, Laura Bazyn or fill out the form below if you have questions or need help finding a group.
Saturday Prayer Meeting
God has designed to do great and beautiful things for his Kingdom and for us through the prayers of believers. It is why the first Christians “lifted their voices together in prayer to God” (Acts 4:24). And it is why we still gather to pray. Would you be part of this at church on every third Saturday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00, as we cry out to our heavenly Father together?
Sunday Church-Wide Picnic
Join us every fourth Sunday of the month for a time of food and fellowship immediately following the service. You can bring your own lunch or pick up something to eat from a shop/restaurant nearby. If the weather is nice we often picnic in the park at Karlínské namesti! Check our Newsletter or social media accounts for specific details each month.
Understanding Christian Marriage Group
Hosted one Friday evening a month. This group is designed for singles, dating, or married couples. Together, we seek to understand what it means to walk in freedom in Christ and flourish in relationships, especially marriage. This gathering takes place at a flat in Prague 6, beginning at 5:30. Dinner is provided. Please contact Lenka if you are interested in more information, or if you have any questions.