Ways To Serve

Opportunities to serve at DoSlova

We would love for you to consider DoSlova your church. And if you do, we would love for you to get more involved! In addition to worshiping together on Sundays, we encourage everyone to have one regular commitment where you receive (like a Bible study or prayer group) and one commitment where you give (like helping with setup on Sunday or serving in children’s church). Following is a list of some of the opportunities we have, with contact information for the person in charge. We hope this will help you decide where you can use your gifts to serve God and your church.


On Sundays



We are looking for more volunteers who are fluent in Czech and English, who are willing to be upfront and in the back office translating texts from and/or to Czech.

Contact: Klára Haas


Children’s church

One of the best way s to deepen your understanding of the Bible is to TEACH IT! We have multiple classes for kids who would love to hear from you. Lessons are planned, you just show up.

Contact: Miriam Grady



Through music at DS we worship Jesus, wholeheartedly, in Spirit and in truth. If you sing or play an instrument and are not afraid to use this gift, let us know!

Contact: Jessica Wunderink

Sunday Volunteers

It takes a lot of people to help our Sundays run smoothly and be a joyful time for our community and guests. From running slides to making coffee to greeting people at the door, we have lots of ways for you to help.

Contact: Lenka Truesdale


Outreach & Other


Mercy (Pomoz DoSlova) team

We serve the less fortunate people of Prague, those who are hungry, weary, lonely, or lost. Our team needs more people who have a passion for serving the city of Prague and more people who speak Czech.

Contact: Christina Mei Hicks



Provide opportunities for the church family to grow in relationship with one another and to build up the local community. We plan events such as game nights, family potlucks, cultural exchange, seminars, family day trips, etc. We lean upon the giftings and skills of our congregation to plan events and provide opportunities for everyone to participate. If you are gifted in planning, have a skill to share, or an event idea, please let us know and we would love to work with you in making things happen!

Contact: Casey Tuminello